Uhm, yeah, updates on
SameMuko, both comic and questions, tomorrow :o !
I went shopping with my mom today and I got late!
I was contemplating to work on it right after dinner but tomorrow I have to get up extra-early for work, so I don't think it's the case.
Among the other stuff I bought (a really cool cargo jacket *_* !!), here's my most prized possession XD
This is just one of the few "Westerner Stuff Re-Discover" moments in these days.
First I have this urge to buy Batman comics/t-shirts/crap and ship Bruce and Dick like there was no tomorrow (
I FUCKING NEED THIS T-SHIRT), then I revived my Giger's fangirling while getting in the mood for Prometheus movies-- I heard from bot Forchy and Menty('s Skype status XD) that it kinda sucked but I wanna watch it anyway, 'cause I'm intrigued by the visuals ;_; I'm not really expecting anything great from the plot anyway >_>;
--I'll keep you updated once I'll manage to buy some comics :3 Unfortunately the most of the titles that I'm intruigued by are already sold-out ;3; I hope that I'll manage to find something at Romics!
...Off to bed now!
This entry was originally posted at
http://daeva-neesan.dreamwidth.org/509195.html ∼