[preview] The Voice of the Witch

Mar 14, 2011 23:57

Mhhh... I got an idea for a very dirty ReijixShingoxRyousuke doujinshi.
I doubt that anyone would buy it, though, so I'll just print it a few copies via copier :3

Today I scribbled a preview, mostly to test that cool pixiv option to post comics :D Oh GAWD, that's pure GENIUS, both y!G and DevART should do something like that ;o; !!!!

Here's the link: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=17358370
For those of you who don't have a pixiv account, here's a mere .zip file ;3
Please note that it's R18, also if there's no p3n0r's action.

Oh, yeah, you'd probably like to know why it's called like this-- Do you remember the story by Sarina..? Well, in this interpretation, Reiji is the witch ù_u !

wip, yaoi, doujinshi, star driver, porn

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