about our new song... not song, only bout PV cause i LOVE Dear Snow (even enough for translate it xDD), it's my second favourite ballad after aozora pedal.
i love our new PV. you can call me mad, but i really love it. first of all i love:
- decorations. i'm addicted to traditional japanese style and reeeeeally happy that we finally have pv in such atmosphere
- clothes. the second place where you can call me mad. boys're gorgeous <3 the only one who seems to had some problems with stylist is Matsujun (his jacket... really sucks xDD) Aiba... oh, Aiba, it's all your fault that after watching PV i've found my favourite winter scarf (i have a hilarious five-coloured scarf, yeah, arashi-rainbow >=D) . it seem's to me that i'll not part with it till next summer xDDDD ... and Riida! LOVE his outfit!
- idea. yes, it's quite simple and someone may say that this pv is really useless. but i don't think so. this pv has his own strong japanese style, it's calm, without any action, dances or bakaness. you don't need to watch, you need to observ and feel. our last album's name is 'the lanscape that i see'... this pv is this kind of a landscape! i'm really disappointed that someone couldn't see landscape that our boys shown to us.
by the way... i finally decided. as long as i'm an arashi fan i'll follow all their releases, good and bad, all their projects, interesting or less interesting. as i said to Marina, there's no 'old' and 'new', 'good' and 'bad' arashi for me. there's only one arashi before, now and forever.