
Dec 08, 2008 00:42

Ah, Midna would have enjoyed all the commotion.

How quickly a few losses divide us between those who are hurt, and those who are afraid.

I enjoy watching both play out.

Little Quatre, I so enjoyed speaking to your new friend. Not quite as cultured as the other one, but far more interesting, I think.

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[screened to Tomo // Hackable] preventerchang December 8 2008, 21:06:36 UTC
It is your habit to bait Winner and all those who claim contact with him, then?

He has told me I am to avoid you. I prefer to know the enemy I may face.


Re: [screened to Tomo // Hackable] tomo_boshi December 9 2008, 01:53:27 UTC
I assure you, I am merely a humble Jingju performer who was simply searching out some entertainment when Winner decided to involve himself. He attacked me and called me all sorts of unpleasant things.

I just want him to remember that I haven't yet forgotten about him. And I do admit, I find him endlessly amusing. He's so adorable when he's protective.

So, you are Chang Wufei? I am quite certain I've heard that name before in these parts.


Re: [screened to Tomo // Hackable] preventerchang December 9 2008, 02:50:47 UTC
Your attempts at deception will fall flat if you do not take into account the fact that persons you are attempting to misdirect may know Winner well.

I am curious to know what it is that constitutes such 'entertainment' for you. There are few things which would inspire him to act in such a manner.


Re: [screened to Tomo // Hackable] tomo_boshi December 9 2008, 04:32:27 UTC
I see you're the smart one.

You caught me. I played a little too rough with one of Little Quatre's friends and he reprimanded me. He was still unnecessarily coarse, if you want the truth, and I did not like it one bit.

How do I describe my entertainment? Besides the art of the theater, I enjoy fanning the flames of battle between light and darkness which takes place within the human heart. Innocent fun, for the most part. Truly it is.

I have other hobbies, but those are my own business.


Re: [screened to Tomo // Hackable] preventerchang December 9 2008, 08:04:22 UTC
Winner can be extremely vicious when provoked. It is one of his better qualities.

Your goal is to cause internal instability and strife? Interesting. Is this merely for amusement's sake, or to reveal the truths that lay beneath the veils presented for public viewing?


Re: [screened to Tomo // Hackable] tomo_boshi December 9 2008, 15:17:25 UTC
You are a clever one.

A little of both, because that is what true art is.


Re: [screened to Tomo // Hackable] preventerchang December 9 2008, 18:37:16 UTC
Cleverness has never kept me from doing foolish things.

It seems it has not kept you from doing foolish things as well, if you are so interested in continuing to needle Winner. His unpredictability makes him the most dangerous man I know, and he is the sort of person who effortlessly draws strong allies towards him.

I cannot claim to appreciate art for art's sake, nor understand your amusement, but there is merit in causing others to discard masks and acknowledge their natures. I have found that facing such strife strengthens more than it weakens.


Re: [screened to Tomo // Hackable] tomo_boshi December 9 2008, 23:21:13 UTC
I admit it, I play with fire.

Yes, it can make one very strong indeed.


Re: [screened to Tomo // Hackable] preventerchang December 10 2008, 05:26:14 UTC
I shall be sure to observe your work in the future, then.


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