Figured I'd better post something up so nobody thinks the worst.
Its cold as shit here, and way too early for it to be this cold. They say this is the coldest December since 1989 which was a monster of a mess. Luckily its supposed to warm up to the 50's by the end of the week... YAY!!!
Had a doctors appointment Friday, and while the news wasn't all that good, it wasn't all that bad either. My T-cells have dropped to 293... not good but I've been down to 275 so I'm not too concerned about that number because I've bounced back before. Hopefully I will this time too... besides I think I had a cold or something back in September and that could be the cause. Viral load was down to 27,900 which is very good. It's never been that low, so what that tells me is that my body is still putting up one hell of a fight and isn't letting HIV win. As I said, all in all, not too bad.
A new addition to my family may have arrived... I swear it gets bigger every year. Last I talked to mom my niece was in the hospital, so I suppose she was in labor... unless it was a false alarm. Anyway if all goes right a new baby boy will be here soon, if he isn't already (I dunno cuz I haven't talked to mom) :)
Removed Eric (
planetconcrete) from my friends list because I just couldn't continue to keep someone like him on it. Reason is that he shit a lot of people out of money for things they paid for. He'd had an entire year to make it right and get 2 books delivered (I.E. Inversion). Instead he made up excuse after excuse, on top of lying which I totally despise... I hate a fucking liar. So to me he's now no better than the dog shit one scrapes off of ones boot. He's a fraud (said he had the books and didn't), thief because he took money for merchandise and spent said money knowing he wasn't going to deliver what he promised... and of course a liar. Its a shame when you support someone so fully and are then crapped on. Muther fucker. Hey feel free to keep him on yours, doesn't bother me any, but I will say I wouldn't `buy` anything from him because there's a 99.9% chance that you won't ever get it.
That's about it from here. Looking forward to Saturday when the family gets together for Christmas dinner and the rest of the good stuff (we always do the X-mas eve thing) TA! for now.