For this rock grants me a lovely view of the worlds beyond... *curtsey*

Mar 07, 2013 00:34

"When out walking, brother, don't you forget, It ain't often that you'll ever find a friend"

~ Fleet Foxes - Mykonos ~

Almost midnight. At 6:30 my alarm clock will sound and it's time to face the day again. Time to work. Yes, I mentioned work. No more unemployment (such boring 2 months those were!) Just cleaning. I am now, yet again, that cleaning lady. I had my first encounter of significance a few weeks back (because yes, it has been ages since I wrote anything on here, ehum), now that we're on the subject of cleaning ladies. And no, cleaning ladies does not suggest that I clean ladies (but the again, I'm guessing no one was thinking that anyway). I don't think I want to clean any ladies, ever. Unless they're animals. I might make an exception then. I did have to shower my cat the other day and she's a lady. Well, she's female. But I'm getting myself lost in empty talk, again! One morning I was doing my cleaning job (no ladies, just desks and floors and some window sills) wile listening to my i-pod. I alway listen to my i-pod because otherwise I will start a) making up stories with the possibility of accidental conversations with myself in front of people that work at the office I clean (awkward), or b) I get into thinking about all sorts of things and initiate conversations about all those things you should never talk about with people you do not really know (politics, religion, animal welfare, nature conservation, the horrible truth about the justice system in case of child abuse, you know the drill...), or even c) get so horribly bored out of my mind that I start banging my head against furniture. Yeah, so, i-pod. Now, sometimes I listen to music, other times pod-casts and sometimes books or plays. I am currently going through Shakespeare's additions to this world, meaning I bough Romeo & Juliette and Othello in pocket an downloaded some pod-casts by the BBC. One of the office ladies (this being a social bureau of sorts where social workers and the likes roam freely) of the gray haired, short curly crop with glasses and one of these over-friendly-yet-strict-teacher dispositions came up to me. The conversation that ensued wend as follows:

Lady: 'Hello there, good work you're doing.'
Im: 'Good morning. *smile* well, someone needs to do the work, I guess.'
Lady: *smile* 'Well it's good to see you are entertaining yourself with some music. Can I ask what you are listening to? Is it one of those modern rock bands?'
Im: 'Actually, I am listening to a play by Shakespeare.'
Lady: *Stares* 'Uh, oh. Really?' *confused*
Im: 'Yes, Othello, I wanted to hear a podcast before reading the play.'
Lady: 'Well, that's really nice.' *pause*  'I'll just leave you to it then.' *zooms off*

To this moment I am not really certain if she just hates Shakespeare or if she was just so confused by the fact that I actually read anything (let alone listen to plays on my i-pod at 8AM on a tuesday morning). it was very amusing for me though, since I came from the dregs at the bottom of our lovely educational system and have been talked down to by people like this lady for many years. It was almost perversely pleasurable to see her so ruffled. And yes, I realize I should not feel such glee at the discomfort of another. I just could not help the evil grin that appeared on my face. Nor can I help needing to share this. I think anyone that ever worked a job that is considered to be of 'low standard' know the feeling of being looked down upon. Not because people know anything about you. No, just because you are dragging around that cleaning cart. Well, guess what? I have a bachelors degree in Animal Sciences and scrubbing your toilet because I need to pay for my drivers license. And thanks to this job, I will never look down on someone that cleans my workplace, takes away my trash or fixes anything I own. Because these people (sometimes literally) clean up your sh*t. Also, they can hack your computer in an instant. You would not believe the number of people at an office that leave all their passwords to *anything*  on a sticky note stuck to the monitor. Who's being a bit dumb now, eyyy? *grins*

Well, now that I'm done with all that ranting I guess I will need to get some sleep. I have 6 hours before the alarm clock rings (yes I am a woman, I always know how many hours I have left to sleep) and my morning exercises start. Which is how I've come to see this cleaning business. Great way to stay fit. No more blubbery arms after 2-4 hours a day swinging around a vacuum or mop!

And tomorrow afternoon I can safely reward the hard work of the past few days by going out with Lucy and eating a cupcake. Because cupcakes are awesome. Goodnight!


P.s. First part drivers license: check! Theoretical part has been claimed! Now I need to stop overlooking those pedestrians and all will be fine. *insert sheepish smile*


"Baby slow down. The end is not as fun as the start. Please stay a child somewhere in your heart."

~ U2 - Origin of the species ~
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