Art history can be a very dry class, especially given poor instruction and straight-from-the-textbook studying. However, tucked away in a chapter between European and Eastern art, a little is said about Middle-Eastern artwork and particularly, its representation at religious sites. I have always been fascinated by Islamic mosque decoration -- the calligraphic, colorful, intricately patterned designs. I studied hordes of images on stock photo sites and around the web, and it even inspired a stencil that I painted around the crown of our office walls. It's incredibly sad that in the midst of war such historically-significant sites be destroyed.
CNN News article Bah.
I sought some video reprieve after work tonight, and found a couple gems.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs -- Gold Lion. I'm awed by Karen O. Aesthetically, I really like the video, too. The song has a hook that kept me playing it on repeat.
All-American Rejects -- Move Along. I can relate.
My mom googled my name this evening, and first up came my Flickr gallery. A bit disconcerting, considering that any potential client can search it out and know the goofy activities of my after-work life. Part of me thinks, "What the hell, everybody has *some* personality. Deal." and the other part wants to play it straight, keep it hidden. I gotta find out how to change that setting...
I suppose this should be Friends Only, but anonymity is probably guaranteed better here than on myspace.