Jun 29, 2005 13:27
1. holla back girl
A girl that is willing to be treated like a doormat or booty call. She is a girl that will allow guys to do whatever they want with her and will just wait for them to 'holla back' at them.
2. holla back girl
A holla back girl is a member of a cheerleading squad who repeats - hollers back - words that the squad leader shouts out to them. For example at a Pep Rally, cheerleaders might shout out “S-P-I-R-I-T” and the squad leader asks “What does that spell?” and the holla back girls respond - hollering back “SPIRIT”. In the context of Gwen Stefani’s song “Hollaback Girl”, the term also refers to a girl who has heard about some guy talking bad about her and she isn’t just going to take it - she is going to be the leader, take charge and put an end to his verbal “cheerleading”.
3. holla back girl
Gwen Stefani's use:
A person who verbally postures (hollers back) in an argument and does not step up and fight. Gwen says she is not a holla back girl, implying that she will fight if challenged.
4. hollaback girl
A girl that will sleep with just about anyone and is willing to do so when a man calles her. Also willing to do this at anytime and anywhere.
5. hollaback girl
A holla back girl is someone who will allow virtually anyone to give them chili-dogs, cleveland steamers, and hot carls upon request.
6. Hollaback Girl
a girl who doesn't spend her time discussing issues and trying to win over others with logic but rather prefers to throw down and convince skeptics through fisticuffs or a good ass kicking.
7. hollaback girl
Rock singer Gwen Stefani first used the term in her attempt to rap and go hop-hop. From an interview: “The song came about after somebody once called me a cheerleader in a negative light, “ says Gwen (Stefani). “So I said ‘well f*** you, I am a cheerleader, watch me on stage. I’m gonna make a big cheerleader song and you can f*** off.”
8. hollaback girl
God awful new song by gwen stefani on her worst album sofar: love, angel, music, baby.
9. hollaback girl
A brazen hussy cheerleader who starts drama and runs her mouth with out any connection to her brain.
10. hollaback girl
A girl suffering from lordosis, an abnormal forward curvature of the spine in the lumbar region.
11. hollaback girl
This is a derivation of "hula bach" girl. When hola hoops first took off, Bach was going through a resurgence since a one-hit wonder had remixed one of his songs. One popular way of doing hula contests was to play Bach on a record player, spinning it faster and faster. (It was easy in those days to adjust the motor.)
"Hula Bach" girls had a tendency to gyrate a lot, and older folks considered it sinful and easy. "Hula Bach girl" was taken on as an ironic phrase by the girls. These days it refers to someone who is unashamed of their promiscuity.
12. Hollaback Girl
Another example of white people mis-using Black, urban slang. Originally used as a verb ("Holla back, girl."), it is now mis-used as a noun.
17. Hollaback Girl
An insulting excuse for a song by Gwen-should'a never got an ego an' left my band-Stefani. This attempt at being 'street' or 'thuggin' or 'gangsta' was an absolute revolt to humankind. Any 40 year old woman who simply cannot dance good, and should NEVER try to 'rap'..and who still needs to practising spelling the names of fruits.. should not be allowed in public, let alone famous.
22. Hollaback girl
Somthing that Gwen Stefani IS.
No real songwriter would mistakenly use a double negative so we can only assume that she means she actually is a "hollaback girl".
Aw snap dog, I need to hit, let me hollaback at Brandy.
44. hollaback girl
A common mispelling for "Hollandback Girl" as Gwen Stefani didn't make it too clear in her lyrics...
And anyway, it means a cheerleader who tries to be heard, but just becomes part of the background noise.
From www.urbandictionary.com