Jun 28, 2004 00:43
Hey this is mainly for my friends out at UMass Amherst, but if any of the rest of you are interested please let me know. I just had a stunning revelation, much like something that would be brought to you in a dream. Anyways, are any of my left leaning political brothers and sisters interested in starting up some sort of journal, paper, review, other seemingly academically titled medium for writing, about the issues of the day - i.e.: The Iraq War, Conservative Media Tyranny, Election2004, The Weakness of the Democratic Party, etc... etc... etc... (there tend to be quite a few fucking etc...s on this one.). I could buy some webspace and we could do it like that, or we could just put together a makeshift booklet. I think if we get some intelligent minds together on this, and make it snazzy, well we could really write some interesting stuff, and hell, maybe people would even read it.
So, I'm reaching out to my journalist friends, my left leaning academic friends, hell my right leaning friends that want to write the opposition piece every issue, anyone - young or old. We may not change the world, but we could certainly have some fun with doing some of this writing. Have any passion? Let me know
-Leave a comment.
-Give me a call/
-Email me.
-IM Me.
Seriously, I'm pretty seriously considering this as a legitimate thing.
Hell, book reviews, article reviews, random thoughts. We could have fun with this. The question really is: Why not do this?