I'm going to start getting heavily political here, because I'm pissed off. So, let me start with
this little gem first.
"Archbishop Raymond Burke said Thursday that Catholics cannot vote for candidates or policies in support of abortion and be worthy to receive Communion."
Now, anyone that has been paying attention knows that Bush has been blurring the very important line between church and state that is set out in that oh so vital document, the Bill of fucking Rights, that every American (should) hold dear to their hearts. But, now we have an Archfuckingbishop telling Catholics who they can and cannot vote for? Listen, if your Catholic, write a fucking letter to the Vatican or something, because the American Electorate is not a place where they fucking belong.
If you're a Catholic, and hopefully you're one of the good ones, vote for the right Candidate. The one that doesn't support killing thousands of innocent people. The one that allows people the rights of freedom that we all hold so fucking dear. Don't vote for Bush. Do the left thing, not the right thing.