they call him scalito or scalia-lite, making fun of his closeness to antoine scalia. his name is samuel alito and is a radical (by any means) right wing "judicial activist." for all you that never took politics seriously, now really is the time to do so, especially if you're a woman.
for you naysayers when it comes to signing petitions and all that junk. fuck you. how the fuck else are we going to get our voices heard? i'm totally down with storming the halls of congress, but that might be a little too "radical" for you.
so ladies, if you care about your right to choose when you do or don't have a baby, you need to be concerned. this goes beyond abortion all the way to the thought of birth control pills. if you care about your victim's rights when it comes to spousal abuse, you need to be concerned. this guy is actually so ridiculous that he thinks that new mothers shouldn't have the right to a mere 12 weeks paid vacation after delivering the baby. really think about that, 12 weeks isn't all that much, some european states allow up to 4 months paid maternal leave and this guy thinks you don't even deserve 12 weeks.
so find your senators and your congressmen and women and write to them. tell them where you stand. i'm pretty fucking sure even those most ardent anti-choicers didn't expect to lose their maternity leave or have it legal for a man to beat his wive or a return to the thumb-rule (rule of thumb: us a stick as wide as a man's thumb for beatings and it's fine).
here's a few things real quick about this man taken from
• Overturn Roe v. Wade. About 2/3rds of Americans would
oppose overturning Roe.
• Allow race-based discrimination and discrimination based on disabilities.
• Opposes the Family and Medical Leave Act. In fact, he doesn't just opppose it, he struck down the law in 2000. The Supreme Court reversed his decision. For Alito, workers shouldn't be able to take 12 weeks of unpaid leave to take care of newborns or loved ones.
• Has no problem with unauthorized strip searches.
In Doe v. Groody, Alito agued that police officers had not violated constitutional rights when they strip searched a mother and her ten-year-old daughter while carrying out a search warrant that authorized only the search of a man and his home.
here's a source for that info
oh... it also seems like he, and virtually ever other member of this administration
pussied out of a war they supposedly agreed with.
let's hope the lessons of katrina were not forgotten. you should care, even if it doesn't immediately effect you. get off your lazy asses again please. ;)