To those who will never follow in his footsteps, submerged as they are in a world of cynicism, self-interest and frantic consumption, nothing could be more vicariously gratifying than Che's disdain for material comfort and everyday desires.
i don't think i've ever read a better explanation as to why the upper middle and normal middle class consumers of america are so obsessed with everything that is their opposite.
vicarious living - lifestyle of the american bourgeoisie.
end of the paragraph that quote came:
Is it conceivable that one of the only two Latin Americans to make it onto TIME's 100 most important figures of the century can be comfortably transmogrified into a symbol of rebellion precisely because he is no longer dangerous?
hhahahaha hahah ha haaaa....
fucking dicks, i have never seen a better effort to marginalize a revolutionary.
taken from the oh so liberal
time magazine