Highlights for me were Tenniscoats and the incredible Josephine Foster and Joanna Newsom. Smog/(smog) left me lukewarm I'm afraid, not that he wasn't good, and I'm a fan n' all, but perhaps his set suffered through comparison with the others. It might also be that I was feeling a little drunk and sleepy at the time - although these sensations hadn't registered at all during Josephine Foster immediately beforehand.
I'd go so far as to say that Joanna Newsom's new material is surely the most audaciously creative and beautiful music being made by anyone around at the moment. And I'm positive it wasn't only me who actually felt humbled into averting my eyes when she periodically gazed upwards while playing.
This is obviously shaping up to be solely a musical post (I don't have a photo of Luke's inspired re-enactment of a certain Cher film clip to break things up either...), but I'm a bit disappointed with the new Grand Salvo album - it seems too pristine or something. I guess I was expecting certain songs to have made it on as well - surely that "brother climbed trees when he was young..." song that he played live a lot about a year ago deserved a Guernsey? I would have also anticipated more of the tasteful orchestral arrangements that graced "River Road", but it's all quite sparse and, err, clinical sounding. Perhaps I'm being too harsh - on the plus side, the packaging is certainly beautiful...