Yo. Name's Tommy, but you can call me Speed. I'm a Young Avenger but I'm gonna be joining the New Defenders because Kate decided to choose Eli over me they sound cooler. I'll be chillin' at the Baxter with Frankie, Layla, Bea and Val where we will totally be watching General Hospital every freaking day.
ooc: consider this Tommy's introduction post. This is not HoTM Tommy but he's not quite canon Tommy either. The salient details are:
*16, speedster, grew up in NJ, troublemaker, ended up in juvie, rescued by the YA
*Billy's twin, Wanda's son but doesn't fully believe that
*super-seekritly Steve's son by way of Wanda's magic - this will eventually come out in rp
*HoTM memories are repressed but not wiped - so it comes off as a vague sense of deja vu and the weird idea that he likes Pyro and feels protective of Franklin's bratty little sister because they are destined to be together
So, Tommy isn't an official muse and isn't going to be terribly active but he's a vital member of the Awesome Reality Rejects, a foil for Franklin and eventually will get some nice one-on-one moments with his dad and will then totally Parent Trap his parents because his mun told him to