Jan 16, 2007 12:48
Sometimes I not only think that I live in the wrong Town, but the wrong country. England is just rubbish at the moment. Noah will have to build a new ark soon with all the rain we have had lately. The only thing that keeps me going is my music. One advantage of being a van driver is that I can listen to my songs all day long while working. I`d recommend this kind of job to anybody.
If i`m feeling a little low, like today, I can always rely on Tommy`s beautiful voice and excellent melodies to pull me through the day. I just wish that it was easier being a Brilliant Green fan in the UK. I enjoy trawling through endless forums and sites looking for news, interviews and videos, but I still wish it was easier. I also wish the forums were more active. I really love talking and discussing Tommy`s flighty personality and career with like-minded people, but I do not know anybody that I can share her music with here, only a few people on a few forums.
I actually am feeling a bit lonely. Don`t get me wrong I`ve got a great family and a wonderful fiancee`, but I need more friends here. Having recently moved back to the area after living in Northamton for 6 years, I`ve lost touch with my old friends. The friends I made in Northampton don`t interest me anymore, but I guess thats my fault.
I am really looking forward to the J-Pop Go disco at the Manga Cafe in London on Feb 10th. Hopefully I will meet some nice people there. I`ve spoke to some of them on the site forum already, they seem nice. Again though, I`ll have to go on my own to the disco. My fiancee` is coming to London with me for the day, but doesn`t want to go to the disco because she is very shy, and self-conscious about meeting new people. I`ll just have to get very drunk beforehand.
Anyway, on the positive side of things, I`m excited about the new Tommy Heavenly6 video, when it finally appears (see above). Also i`m expecting my Tommy February6/Hawaii photo-book and two old Heavenly singles, "Pray" and "I`m Gonna Scream" to arrive any day soon.