Not been doing too much lately. Bob posed a question for me on Last FM, which i've been pondering all this morning, cheers Bob. Mostly been playing Final Fantasy 12, and enjoying it an awful lot. More of the same tonite, after visiting Lisa's Grandma in her new Residential Home
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Every fansite should of course have a decent picture gallery and offer links to song samples or active YouTube videos (I think links are better than embedding into the page personally.) Well done lyrics and tabs offerings could go a long way for a good number of people and keep them coming back. I always like it when Japanese lyrics and English translations are done side by side, in such a way that you can easily compare each line of text and mentally work out the meanings behind the sentences. A resource for online stores carrying Tommy goods would also be a good addition to any site. Once you build up a following of people visiting/revisiting the site, it would be good to include some more interactive content as well, such as a forum, shoutbox, and polls. If someone knows Flash I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult to take a standard game of Match, Tetris, or Breakout and apply Tommy pictures to the background or as the reward between rounds, I know I'd fall victim to that little trap and play every now and then. Hope that helps.
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