Dec 26, 2007 00:48
Well, 2007 is almost over. It's been interesting to say the least. We've had good times, bad times and everything in between. I'd like to thank all of you that took part in my life in this past year, especailly the people I just met this year. I'm glad i've grown close to alot of you & I want you to know that you mean the world to me. I know we have only one life to live, and I am thankful that you are a part mine. This year I was sick for quite a while, so thank you to those who helped me through. On the brighter side, i turned 21! Thanks to all who keep going out with me!(like it's a chore, haha). I'm excited because alot more of you will turn 21 this year & finally we can all go out together! It's that time when everybody makes New Year's resolutions. Why does it take a new year to decide to better yourself? Seems to me that anytime is a good time for that. I'll make some goals for myself anyways.
1. I'll be really original here, excercise more, eat better.
2. Work on establishing my business.
3. Graduate.
4. Figure out my life, somewhat.
5. Not put up with so much bullshit.
Forgive me for going all Oprah/Dr. Phil right now...
Maybe I'll try to throw some advice for the new year out here? Be nice people! It may sound corny but don't do something to someone that you wouldn't want done to you! But don't forget to take time out for yourself too, happiness is about finding a balance between pleasing yourself and others. try to be understanding of situations, sometimes people are tired, overwhelmed, stressed etc. so don't be afraid to forgive people. Back to pleasing yourself. Nobody is ever exactly who they want to be. I'm not afraid to admit that i rather don't like myself sometimes. But you are who you are, be confident in yourself, then things will just fall into place if you let them. Heres a big lesson learned. Do you enjoy being sad or in a bad mood? Well then don't be. I know it's easier said than done, but it is possible. Everyday you wake up, you have the power to decide if you will make today great. What's the point of being negative? If you don't like the situation that you are in, change it. It's up to you. Remember that even if I don't know you very well, I'm always here to help, so talk to me. But if you are not willing to also help yourself, there is nothing I can do for you.
Every day that passes is another day we will never get back, so live 2008 to the fullest, keep those you love close.
I wish you the best of luck, love, success and happiness in 2008!