
May 21, 2005 22:48

mother fucker. its been bitter sweet lately. VERY bitter sweet. i got a lot of my missing assignments caught up, so i get some freedom. i go to the mall yesterday and izzy matt n i are lookin fer some tree. didn't work out. We played make-believe lord of the rings when we were walkin in the forest outside the mall (i was frodo). i also so my girlfriend up there which was kind of nice. i guess her n becky were stalking us while we were walking around the mall. allison was being really weird like... a little kid. it made ME feel weird. i hate it when she does that. yeah an i guess her ex-boyfriend jake jones still has a thing for her and they talk all the time and i makes me kinda angry. i mean i trust her n every thing, but i dont trust him. i swear to fucking god ill fuck his day up so bad... wow sry bout that but that kid just wants to get in the way so bad. he was gonna go to her house today. thank god he didn't. yeah, so u could say allison and i are a having a bit of problems. i mean, i love her but this is a lot for me to take cuz im a pretty jealous and competitive person.

i went and saw kristin and megan with matt, izzy and my madre at meijers as they discussed their versions of peoples lives that walked by.

didn't do anything today though which is a little bit gay. hopefully gonna be able to do something 2morrow even though i highly doubt it.

*sigh* another day to mark off the calender. 3 weeks of school left. id be more excited if i wasn't so depressed by the predicament im in
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