Aug 02, 2006 13:22
Two nights ago I went to waverly with some friends anf we had a talk about friendship for some reason. I realized in that conversation how often I cut people out my life without really falling out. Its more just a "Yea I'm done". Its funny cause some people may try and say they were gonna cut me off as the called for 2 months asking to hang out til I did but I know if they would have gave up one bit and wasnt so presistent they would have not been in my life anymore! The sad part is when I cut people off its not cause I dont care about them because I DO its just that I dont see the point of the friendship.
I havnt learned the "we are friends still but we just arent hanging out often".
Also in the first year of a friendship if you do things i REALLY dont like might as well forget about it!
Anywho Ima reach out to a couple of people who I cut off because I dont like feeling bad.
I kinda lost the point of this entry but yea...Ima try to become less stubborn in my ways because as of yet no one thinks like me or understands me. I need to try and not be the one who is different and is kind to everyone and blah blah blah
Its hard being a leader when your heading in a direction no one around you wants to closely follow and if they do follow you, you get pissed cause you dont like followers!
well so yea...theres a new guy being built underneath this skin...its time for a change!