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Mar 14, 2006 19:58

So I haven't posted in about 122 weeks my LJ says ha ha, so I thought I should get up to date a little bit. But not 122 weeks worth, maybe just this past week.

School's harder than it has ever been. Every week a new essay/project is assigned. This is not including the math homework that seems impossible to do and the science assignments our teacher randomly gives us when ever he is in a bad mood (nearly everyday). Still with all this I am managing a 3.4 GPA, which isn't to good for my past grades but I really worked hard to get that GPA so I'm proud. I'm going for at least a 3.6 this semester so wish me luck!

Everyday it seems music is becoming more and more important to me. I can't do anything with out my MP3 player and I can't walk past my guitar with out playing it. I'm constantly looking for concerts to go to and getting friends together to jam. I am in guitar lessons and loving it. I play in front of 80 or so people every Wednesday at church (slowly growing) which is a blast. I am in a band with no official name yet, although we have been practicing for a little over three months now. If someone can come up with a good name feel free to suggest.

Now for some random things -
Last movie I saw was "The Hills Have Eyes" which was a really, really funny movie, it just wasn't suppose to be funny.
Last CD I bought was self titled "Rise Against". It has it's ups and downs.
Book(s) I'm currently reading are "The Hobbit" and "Cell"
Last Book I read was "Bless the Beast and Children" Which was really good!
Song I am listening to right now is "Neon" by John Mayer
Current guitars I own is a Kramer, an Epiphone and a Washburn
My aol SN is omysoadromance, IM' me anytime
My two favorite shows right now are "Lost" And "House"

I guess those are the main things that have been going on right now.
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