(no subject)

May 12, 2004 21:23

yeah i havent been here in a while...my mom deleted everything i ever had in this comp. so i cant listent to music or anything and im still grounded but i finished novanet already and i should get ungrounded and well yeah im going to see APC...getting my tickets on friday and well i dont think ill make it to atreyu but im going to see them in august anyway...well heres something i did to keep me busy...

What's on your bedside table? All my stickers from shows...my phone and some money and other stuff
What is the geekiest part of your music collection? um...shit i dont know that one
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? i drink chocolate milk...and poptarts
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? the 1st movie i ever cried to was some bruce willace movie were he kidnaps a kid and they become best frends and then bruce willace dies
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? I don't want plastic surgery.
Do you have a completely irrational fear? hights and shit.
What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment? not being myself around some one i like...for example ill be stupid and not fun at all...it really sucks
Do you ever have to beg? Yes, but just to like leave the house thats it.
Are you a pyromaniac? um...???
Do you have too many love interests? i dont know...
Do you know anyone famous? yes..i was talking all bad ass to the bassist of scars of tomorrow...but i dont know if they are that famous
Who should play you in a movie about your life? i wouldnt want anybody to make a movie about my "life"
Do you know how to play poker? yes sir
What do you carry with you at all times? my key and my emo-ness
How do you drive? i think ok
What do you miss most about being little? Not having to experience any emotional discomfort.
Are you happy with your given name? yes and mostly no.
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? over 80grand...
What color is your bedroom? White
What was the last song you were listening to? nerdy-poison the well
Have you ever been in a play? Yes.
Who are your best friends? freddy, luis, alex and javi.
Have you ever been in love? yes...i think, maybe not i dont know
Do you talk a lot? If I am in the mood, then yes.
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? i dont know and dont really wana look into that right now
Have you ever done any illegal drugs? yes
Do you think you're cute? wuts up w/questions like these...."NO"
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? Yes. but dont get on my badside
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend, or your friends? well my friends...but if i had a g/f i would bring her along, but i dont.
[spell your name backwards] ymmot....
[where do you live] Laredo texas...
[describe yourself in three words] rather not...
[who is your worst enemy] me cause i make to many mistakes...
[if you could have ANY animal for a pet, what would it be] um my old siberian husky...i miss him he had an awsome name"whiskey"
[have you ever used a spork] yeah.
[do you even know what a spork is] yeah.
[what is the latest that you've ever stayed up] The next day.
[what's your favourite coin] dont know.
[wallet] black wallet w/a star on it
[hairbrush] dont use one
[toothbrush] um...reach
[jewellery worn daily] None.
[blanket] navy blue and red
[coffee cup] any mug
[sunglasses] I don't wear sunglasses.
[underwear] ha...u know this one
[shoes] etnies and vans
[key chain] deftones white-pony
[cologne] well axe...
[cd in stereo right now] opposite of december-poison the well
[tattoos] None, but I definetly will consider one.
[current music] none.
[wearing] Want all the details? Top: um a black label shirt-bullhead pants w/a 3studded belt and black socks...
[hair] boring
[in my head] wuts next?...
[hearing] me typing this cause i have nothing better to do
[wishing] wishing for something good to happen so i wont be emo anymore...or for all of my frends even the ones who did not treat me good to have something to always be happy about-...something i dont have
[after this] going to shower and sleep.
[talking to] nobody...and probably stay like that for a while...
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