May 26, 2005 16:00
Andrew: tell me this: when have I been in your life recently? I haven't spoken directly to you in a month. Who is the one who keeps texting me or getting new screennames so they can talk to me? YOU. Who needs to grow up? You do. You think my life is miserable and I bitch about lame shit? Well, all the shit you have always bitched about is lamer than what I've gone through. And, when is feeling like you're losing your friends a lame thing to bitch about? You do it all the time, so you must be lamer than I am. And, you WERE in love with me, everyone knows it, so don't give me that bullshit. All I have to say is good riddance, because 99 percent of the stress from the last year has been because of you and your ridiculous hangups and all the bullshit and selfishness. My journal isn't for other people to read so they can understand me. It's for my FRIENDS, which isn't you or your boss, so keep your stupid self out of my business, and keep the people you talk to out of my business. It's not for them to know. So, yeah, this is your fault, even if you weren't the one that actually posted it. Just like it's your fault that I'm mad now and that I'm never speaking to you again. Maybe now you'll leave me the hell alone and I can be rid of your bitching. Because it's a waste of my time when I have so many friends that care about me, because you obviously don't and never did. Good bye.