So,this is it. the dark knight has been defeated

Apr 11, 2006 22:20

So here's what happened in the last...30 hrs more or left,starting from yesterday afternoon.
at 3.00 pm. the elections ended. right after it we started getting the "exit polls",the results of the polls made between the people right after voting. and from those, L'unione,the middle-left coalition had 51\55%; Cdl, berlusconi's group, 45\49%. it seemed that we had won,easily and by many votes.
But as time passed by,and the results started arriving,things went darker. the difference kept getting closer.till at about dinnertime (9 more or less)when the votes were quite equals, and the forecasts said that berlusconi was gonna we kept waiting, i was watching Lost but with an eye on the results that kept half past midnight when i went to sleep nothing was sure yet,but the forecasts were quite allarming.looked like we were gonna have 5 more years of darkness.tough the results gave us still on a slight advance on the parliament,not on the senate. I woke up at 3 to check, nothing was sure yet,but that the parliament was ours,while at the senate berlusconi was gonna have 7 seats more. that was not too bad,the result of the new electoral law that his government had done just a couple of months before elections.
When i woke up,these were the numers: Parliament: L'unione 49.8%-CdL 49.7%. The difference was just about 30.000 votes, but enough to give 380 seats to us and 281 to them. on the senate they had 50.5%,we only 49%. but thanx to their laws,that gave the seats basing on the regions, they had just 155 seats and we had 154. just one more. but then there was the coup de theater:there still were to count the votes of the italians who live abroad. there are 5 different areas,europe that gives 2 seats,north america 1,south america 2, africa 1, asia 1. and i have to really thanx,hug and kiss all the italians who have gone to live somewhere else. cuz in europe,one seat went to L'unione, 1 to Cdl. in Asia, We won, the same in africa and asia. in south america,one for l'unione,one for an independent, that had already said that he was gonna go with the winner,no matter who he was. so now at the senate, we have the majority too, 158-156 plus this independent who is supposed to come on our side. wow...these have been gone long and dark days, and the majority is so thin that governing will be hard for the new government. but at least this result shows that there still is hope...and now berlusconi just said that he's open to a big coalition. ah. LOSER


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