Heading back to New Paltz.

Dec 29, 2008 00:11

Today I went to Pennsylvania to see my extended family - once a year we all get together and do a gift exchange. I don't know why I always get shirts, but I do - then the obligatory gift card as well. Spent a total of 6 1/2 uncomfortable hours in the back of a Ford Taurus with my brother and my sister for about 4 hours of headaches from my cousin who has Asperger's talking about Star Wars the whole damn time. They're good family though...

Heading back to New Paltz early tomorrow, mailing in the last of my recommendation letter packets on the way. I'm applying to eleven grad schools, with the first application due being Pratt on the 5th. I still have to fill out a FAFSA and shoot my portfolio. Getting the portfolio done will be the biggest pain in the ass, I think - followed by the transcripts and actually doing the application. By the 15th I should have all of my applications in, and then it will be a long nervous wait to hear if I even got in anywhere.

Not that I'll be consumed with those thoughts during the semester. I have a huge workload next semester with three studios - Basic Metal, Intermediate Wood, and the tail end of my Photo Thesis. Plus an art history and the Senior Art Seminar. Don't know if I'll have much time to do much of anything involving a social or love life - not that I'm counting on actually filling that void.

Might head up to Ithaca for New Year's at BJ's house. Big fire, lots of fireworks and likely lots of explosions and drinking. Tons of fun, but also tons of driving and being outside in the cold. Still deciding on that one.

I can't wait to go back to New Paltz tomorrow - that's where my home is. But, soon I feel like I'll be uncomfortable there. I can't wait to get out of this place... I'm almost hoping to get into Pratt so I can live in Brooklyn, even though my riding seasons will suffer solely because of the location. Lots of people and lots of opportunities - not to mention a good school that I have liked for close to 5 years now. Though I feel like I'll have those opportunities just about anywhere I go, a huge part of me wants to keep a small part of my current life: Chrom. I would love to continue work on that with Chris, and maybe start playing out. Hopefully I at least have a chance to allow it to continue.
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