Feb 14, 2009 16:44
Ahahahahahaha I have bad judgment at the best of times but I don't know how the fuck I thought THAT would be a good idea. I mean it was fantastic and I think the right thing to do...at the time. But now I am a bit worried shit is going to go down. It did before and I don't think that was nearly as "bad" to any party involved. But this, this is a masterpiece of fuckery. If this gets out I am in for quite the verbal lashing, I believe.
Bravo, Liz. You didn't fuck up so much as you fuuuuuucked up.
Maybe I should start trying to FIX my reputation, or possibly MAINTAIN the already shitty one I've got. This pattern I'm getting into isn't helping people take me seriously, I don't think.
It's just a coincidence, right?