Jan 28, 2009 18:34
I'd like to be treated like someone else. Maybe someone that has feelings.
People seem to think I don't have any and I'll just go along with whatever they throw at me when they get the urge. It's kind of wearing me down. And makes it painfully clear how selfish the people I surround myself with can be.
I'm a damn person.
If you don't want to get involved with me, just, you know, don't? Don't start shit out of the blue and think everything will go back to normal when you change your mind.
I have been through this many times before and every time think "Oh, maybe this is different, maybe I'm NOT just a lapse of judgment to him!" because it's so out of the blue and unexpected to me.
No, I guess I'm just stuck being this damn joke. And if I get my hopes up it's never anyone else's fault, it's always me being obsessed and clingy and pathetic.
This really isn't fair.