
Oct 17, 2011 20:48

I promise I will eventually gush about the fun-nes of NYCC (though really, it's all over Facebook by now), but I had to share the following list of physical joy that is mine right now, because if I don't laugh about it, I will hurl things.

- shot night. I delayed too long in taking the pain meds, so the shot-pain caught up with me, this making this shot night a bitch.
- my back is still buggered. Finally getting an MRI about it this Wednesday.
- blisters on my heels, that I think have transcended blisters and are more like open sores. They are huge (see FB for pics) and make it difficult to walk or sleep.
- actual blisters on my toes, and UNDER my big toenails. I have been draining them every couple of hours, soaking in Epsom salts, and neosporin-ing.
- a cyst I have on my hairline is now actually starting to hurt, and I have to go under the knife to get it removed. They are genetic and benign, but still.
- last night, while bending to pick up something I'd dropped, I managed to thwack my head BUT HARD on the corner of the dining room table. I iced it immediately and have been arnica-ing, but still - big hurty bruise right in the middle of my forehead.

All this said, thank GOD no one needs me to be attractive for anything for the next few days.
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