the irony of it all

Sep 10, 2005 17:11

so, yeah, the first week of beck to school is over frankly it went alright i suppose but i miss my lessons with a few people and some of my sets are shit but hey what can you do. At least i can listen to music and drink hot sugary white tea during break for a little light relief.

"THIS IS SHIT"-Last night was James Martin's School Themed 21st Birthday Party, it first started out at Hinckley United Football Club when i got there i believe the term "completely shit" was used because noone could get served at the bar. Then all the fire alarms went off and we had to wait in the cold for like half an hour until everyone found out some kid had held a lighter to the heat sensor. Which, in turn broke all the security shit in the place so the party was over and we werent allowed back in.

Joe hitting up the dance floor in the football club

James, Emily and Noel Gallagher waiting outside before being told that we werent allowed back in

"PARTY AT THE MARTIN'S HOUSE"- yes, indeed, we all raced to the Martin's household to continue the party there and thats when the party really kicked off, free booze from the Martin's, free dance lessons from James Martin himself and some nice dance toons. Me Joe and Hugh got a mention from "DJ CJ" which said something like " Keep Dancing Tom, Hugh and Joe " we were celebrities for that one moment.

Stella for Joe, Boddies for Noel and errm Red Wine for Timothy

Having Fun Emily?

"KEEP THE DANCE IN THE LIVING ROOM AND THE ROCK IN THE KITCHEN"- The Martin's house was divided in 2 with hard house dance trance being played in the living room and the kitchen was filled with rock. Since the free booze was in the kitchen it was weird to go from Lolas Theme or some shit to The Libertines - Cant Stand Me Now. Yeah then i did a little jive to Razorlight when i went to get another Boddies and fell over a dog that noone had seen before and all the girls screamed.

"THUNDER CLAP, START THE LAWN MOWER...SHUFFLE"- Me Joe Hugh Sam and Emily danced some red hot moves in a little ring to the side and well errm yeah it was cool.

"THIS IS ACE"- yeah so the party turned out really cool and i had so much fun with everyone that was there

Today i went to town, i bought a conforming school bag and some conforming school shoes and some cd's and some sweets.

p.s. The kid who burned the heat sensor with a lighter was Ross Sharples-Dewhurst or "Sharpy Dew" as he is better known

p.p.s. no im not taking the piss that is his actual name.

Love Tom x
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