Stolen from some Ho :p

Oct 30, 2005 19:13

I am bored and this was cute (?)

Real update latta...

tomhxprt's Halloween party:

_jaded dressed as the Slick Power Ranger.

ambitious_libra dressed as the Cardinal of Synretrooft.

astrocamel dressed as a buoyancy.

bevgb dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Shannon.

dead_x_end didn't dress up, spoilsport.

itsbexbaby dressed as a pollen, and it suited them disturbingly well.

jeje035 dressed as someone called "Edna Strader", but you've never heard of them before.

lowg dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Princess of Holland.

martian723 dressed as a moose.

nancy2004 dressed as a interrim dead chicken waver.

ohhvintage dressed as a second baseman for the Mariners, though it looked more like Halle Berry.

oldwhoresdiet dressed as a bottle of Eqthone.

overnightceleb dressed as Julia Roberts's aunt.

passthatversace dressed as Paris Hilton.

princesstrixie dressed as a moral breakfast.

sexidance dressed as Calvin Coolidge.

stardust0421 dressed as a Amiga Guru Meditation Error.

stizznatic dressed as a new superhero: Silent Atom.

thesicktruth dressed as the love child of Mel Gibson and Meg Ryan.

wdnesday dressed as a Misik-Traugott Ambulance Chasers employee.

x_everlonely_x dressed as a character from "Roman Holiday".

Throw your own party at the Hallomeme!
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