Long time no post...

Oct 20, 2008 00:47

Well I've been back from Korea for less than a week so far, yet its all I can think about. I loved it so much, and learned to hate Japan so much at the same time, I'm kind of at a turning point in where I can go back home and 'settle' or explore more parts of the world, starting off with Korea (and who knows where I'll end up going from there)!

Coming up is the JLPT and I'm re-doing level 2 after failing by 12 points last year... But I have decided on something - once I pass this year, I am stopping studying Japanese. Level 2 is what is required by the Japanese government for 'foreigners' to work in any given company or to be considered able to survive in day-to-day life (comparable to junior high graduation, which is the maximum mandatory schooling in this country).

So basically once I pass, I do my kanji kentei level 8 for shits (hopefully pass that too), and then stop and move onto the next language - Korean. I might have to start learning Mandarin sooner than I thought though because Korean hardly uses any kanji and I don't want to start forgetting it all and have to re-learn it...

In other news, things are just gonna keep getting busier now... Friday is a Halloween party and BBQ, Saturday is my DJ friend's HUGE event (major record label person is guest spinning), and then Sunday is the live radio show broadcast from downtown Oita and karaoke contest. Don't forget that Monday I also have my demonstration lesson to give in front of 30+ English teachers from schools all across the city.

Yeah I somehow manage to keep myself busy whilst traveling!

Anyways, I could go into a whole bunch of details about why my Japan-phase is fading out, but I'm sure at certain people that would read this would take offense where none is meant, so I'm just gonna keep it to myself and people who ask me individually.

So at this rate, I'll be back home next August, unless something drastic changes.

Such as the conversation I had with one of my teachers last night over dinner.

But that will remain a secret as well! ;P

But to keep you all entertained, here's the lastest and greatest in K-Pop : The Wonder Girls! This is their newest song "Nobody" which goes with an oldies look, and it came out when I was there last week so it was playing EVERYWHERE in Seoul. I still can't get the song and dance out of my head! lol

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