Feb 20, 2007 15:49
all i have to do tonight is lock myself in my room and edit this article, and write this three page paper on foucault basically the most dense stuff you will ever read, and redo my reasearch proposal another 5 pages or so and get ten sources for my paper and read 80 pages of this book by class tomorrow at ten.
then i get to think about how i have another 5 pages of reasearch due monday and that annotated bibliography due monday and the rest of that book due monday along with a prepared monologue from the book to do in front of the class all for just this one class.
but, im also going to be thinking about how i will never get that done because after class tomorrow im driving to maine and going snowboarding and skiing through sunday. and im going to be having way to much fun to worry about how if i dont get all that done by monday, i could end up losing my scholarship.
and then when i get back, i wont be able to concentrate because in another four days is spring break with three of my best friends on the beach.