(no subject)

Nov 04, 2010 13:44

I've been preaching the dangers of the outgoing Democrats doing as they please until they leave office in January for over a year now.

They can do whatever they want without facing legal recourse. That's scary as hell.

Who knows what they will really do, all I know is we sure as hell can't take them at their word, even when they are speaking about screwing us.

Two responses to this over at Tam's place triggered further thought on the matter.

Boat Guy said...

"They can do whatever they want without facing legal recourse."

Beg to differ. Unless you want to quibble over what constitutes "legal recourse".
It's just possible that rope and lamposts might qualify as "legal recourse" under some circumstances

to which was replied:

Joanna said...

"It's just possible that rope and lamposts might qualify as "legal recourse" under some circumstances"

Allow me to say, just this once, that when you talk like that you're speculating about killing some mother's son.

It bothers me how casually such allusions get tossed around.

And don't give me grief about not caring enough or something like that; if things really were as bad as all that already, people wouldn't be talking about it. They'd be doing it. They're not yet; that tells me all I need to know about the situation so far. I pray it never gets to that point.

(Whaddya know, I made it to the afternoon.)

to which I just had to reply.

If they didn't plan to enslave and make helpless the sons of others mothers, the topic would never be breached.

When despots do as despots will, the answer is sometimes ropes or fire. It's not as if they didn't have the same opportunity to study history. No one forced them to pay attention to the wrong part of the lessons.

That nothing has happened is perhaps more a product of social programing than the lack of action by the despots.

No, I'm not volunteering to do anything, but if we do not discuss such things openly, they will be planned in private.
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