Dec 19, 2005 02:32
I get in a lot of different moooods.
I don't even know what the transition time is. There's some really narrow scale, in which I can be really really happy for instants at any time - no matter how crappy I'm feeling, but there's this big broad band that moves up and down. It's been down for a while, and has been rising slowly since it last went down, but it's finally up again. And how do I know that? Because of the context of my away messages.
When I'm really down, I have song lyrics in my away messages. Really depressing ones, that make me want to cry.
When I'm really happy, I have really happy or cool song lyrics in my away messages.
In the middle - that ugly period of transition, I never have anything that I want to put in my away messages.
Sure, I've gone weeks at a time with nothing but, "Hey, I've got nothing to do today but smile." And that's still among my favorite song lyrics ever. But when I want to put something new and exciting in there, that's when I know I'm doing alright. And it's certainly not because of school. This is definitely going to be the hardest quarter I'll ever have at school. 21 credit hours - 9 classes - the cold of winter - 7 long weeks after Christmas. But what will hopefully go in there? Trips to Chicago. I think my excursion last weekend it what really made me happy. And now, I am happy.