Black Law Student Conference?

Feb 25, 2006 09:35

What the hell were we doing there? BLACK LAW STUDENT

Lookin good, thats what. It got really awkward in the conference room so we stayed for lunch and decided it was time to leave after the delicious abundance of sandiwches brownies and soup. We hit the streets.

The Wall Streets.

Adjourned to Jasons to smoke cigars whereupon he did not let us because the bagelboy was being loud.

I forgot I left one of my bmws downtown like 3 weeks ago... There were some tickets but i just tore them up.. I don't pay tickets im a business man

Anthony, pimpin hard

AK knows how to appreciate the finer things in life, unlike Jon who appreciates the gayer things in life

Used book store? Perfect place for the bagel boy

Oh Jon when will you learn

Jon was trying to be cool like us and almost got smoked by this van

Chess bar off oulette? Was news to me.

We should have our own show

Smelled like ass for $5.09

Cigars? Yeeeea

So good

Our secretary/reporter/bagelboy

High powered Business man

me n AK

Wall street fat cats

Peeing on a cop walking under us he saw us and we ran lol

Bustin the door open

Walking out

Before we left

So was the scenary

The lunch was impressive.

You never went to Yale stop making things up

John and the big scary guy... Apparently hes a lawyer

Moe Antz Me AK and Matty

Me Antz John AK and Matty

When I'm not updating my portfolio or buying and selling companies I like to move to some of my friend's levels.. Here, Anthony for example.

Pictures with the junker... You know

We fought over which car to take then finally decided to take the Bentley because we wanted to be modest

Me n the Moe

JT a la stairs

Mohamoud A la stairs

Balcony shot of me and the legendary AK-47

The 3 stages of eating free croissants. Going for it, Taking the plunge, and enjoying.

Kandice and Nicole were looking snazzy as well.

There was a photo op in the elevator.

Sometimes the truth hurts, and the truth is that Moe is black and I just wasnt.

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