Not longies

Jan 07, 2011 17:34


I recently stumbled into the world of Bamboletta (waldorf) dolls, and right about the time I found their Facebook page, the owner of the company announced a benefit auction she wanted to hold for a 28 day old baby girl who was diagnosed with leukemia on Christmas Eve.  Molly's story is here.   And I think the auction will be here on January 20.

After reading about Molly, I made a New Year's resolution to do more charity crafting this year. And since I'm a little burned out on longies and soakers, I figured doll sweaters were the way to go, and I started these on the morning of the first. The pattern is The Hoodee from the Bamboletta website, although these are modified for worsted weight. I only had Malabrigo in my stash - not the most practical for doll sweaters, but it's what I had and I was able to use up some scraps and other colors I didn't know what to do with (i.e. pepto-bismol pink).

They kind of remind me of Peace, Love, and Happiness... Anyway, I hope they are able to help Molly and her family in some small way. :)
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