Apr 21, 2005 15:27
Last week for me sucked big time. No particular reason why, but I was in a pretty shitty mood. Could have been that work sucked, but work always sucks.
Having dinner with my sister and niece was a highlight, but to typify the type of week it was, my niece spilled a big glass of water on my pants toward the end of dinner. Half the restaurant saw, and the other half saw me as I left. It totally looked like I pissed myself. Everyone just looked at the big wet spot on my pants, and had a look like, "wholly fuck, that guy pissed his pants". In retrospect, it is all pretty damn funny.
Andrea and Robert got back from Hawaii on Thursday, and it was good to have my roomies back. As you can imagine, the trip to Hawaii to work on wedding details definitely has put Andrea into wedding mode - and rightly so. Anyway, the favors for the wedding are stained glass projects that part of the wedding party is making. We had plans to head up to Tony & Karin's house in Capitola on Friday night to work on the project. But, when work ended, the only thing I wanted to do was go home and drown the past week in beer/alcohol/wine - whatever was handy. I also really wanted to help out with the stained glass project. Andrea, Karin, and I had all done stained glass in high school, and we all really enjoyed it. So, when I got home on Friday I did what grumpy old men do - I took a nap. Two hours later and I was off to Capitola. Friday night was a mix of bad glass cutting, grinding, glass foiling, and a bit of drinking. Mostly, though, it was enough to set my mood straight...
Woke up Saturday to fallen over surfboards and knocked down posters. Were not sure how either happened, but it was narrowed down to me or the cat. I blame the damn cat. Homer is one fat ass cat, and he probably knocked shit over as he was scroungin for more food. Spent the morning and afternoon doing my favorite part of stained glass - soldering. This part is tricky, but it is so much fun to melt metal. Plus, it's at this point that you see the project coming together.
Joey had called me and told me to head up to SF that night to watch Chris' band Hazy, and so that we could go snowboarding on Sunday. Both plans sounded great to me. Got up to the city around 9:30am, and then we headed to Edinburgh Castle, which is where the show was. Joey said we had two rules for the night. Can't remember the first one, but the second was to get 5 hours of sleep. We never had a chance. The first band that played was, umm, experimental, which almost always translates to shit, and this band was no different. Second band was shit, too. But, hey, at least the beers were good. Finally, it was Hazy's turn. I thought they rocked. Their set was fun, and reminded me of the B-52s... More drinking, and then a stop at Mel's before heading home... between the time the band finished, and the time I went to bed, things got a little hazy - yes, pun intended. I guess around 4:30am we went to bed, and all thoughts of 5 hours of sleep became wishful thinking.
Joey popped his head into the living room between 7:00am and 7:30am. I wasn't ready to get up by a long shot, but somehow I did. Before I knew it, we were in the car headed to pick up Veanne in Sac. I tried my best to do my front seat duties and remain awake, but I just couldn't do it... About an hour or so into the ride, it was "sorry Joey, but I can't keep my eyes open", and then I was out for about 30 min. Got to Veanne's and I was able to get another 30min on her couch. I'm certain that those 30 minutes saved me. Headed over to Greg's, and then off to the mountain. Got about 4 hours in. No stopping for beer, so we were able to get a good amount of runs in. I was stoked to be able to get one more day of snowboarding in this year. Conditions weren't great, but it made it really easy to make snowballs...
It was just the weekend I needed. Hadn't had a super packed weekend in days... made this week tolerable.
And, this week has ended on a great note... Tomorrow, I am getting a new car. Well, not new, but new to me. I'm getting a 2003 Mazda Protege5. I test drove it yesterday, and right away I knew I was gonna buy it. We made a verbal agreement over the phone today. So, unless something goes wrong, I will have it tomorrow.
In case you are wondering, yes, it is really slow at work right now, so that is why you get a long winded entry filled with entirely too much detail.