Libertas Shackled?

Oct 22, 2008 13:09

Arrrrgh, why is it that Naomi Wolf of all people the one to make me cry
and my mind shout out with anger and inspire this? "Give me Liberty"
her book, is so, so common sense and right it saddens me....
I know this does bring into politics and religion, but I think Athena
and Libertas smile on me. I hope now I have got this off my chest, I
can get back to celebrating happiness with Hathor now! Save the rest of
these passions I am feeling for later.

Libertas, Lady of Liberty is held in chains!
Trumpted on parade, do not be fooled as she smiles and waves.
Look closer, LOOK! Her feet are chained!
Look closer, LOOK! She trys to speak, but she has no permit....
Look closer, LOOK! She trys to shout, but she is distrubing the peace...
Look closer, LOOK! She is out of reach, behind barrier and police

What can be done? We know nothing of our own rights! Kept in ignorance.
The people, do they even care? She laments in tears....
Nay, we must fight for the light our founding fathers made.
Happiness, misunderstood.
Oh, Grey Eyed Athena your gaze pierces injustice.
Oh, Aegis-bearer, hold your shield against the lies.
Oh, Savior with your wisdom lead us to save dear liberty!
Oh, Mighty Athena with your sword cut her bonds!
Lead on, Lead on so we may have our Life, Liberty, and Happiness.
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