Just in-case anyone hasn't already heard of this nice little bit o' technological improvement, scientists have created the first synthetic cell. The genome within the cell is completely synthetic, programmed and controlled by the scientists in question.
http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2010/05/20/venter-synthetic-genome-cell-bacteria.html Already there are many speculations, theories, and ideas going out about what this could all mean. Custom tailored life? Yep, we could be on our way there. Of course this is going to lead to all sorts of problems, regulations, investigations, wild theories, and people jumping up and down because they're scared.
Already folks are worried about what synthetic life might mean to agriculture, or things of that nature. Personally I'm not worried, no doubt people were freaking the hell out back when we started altering crops to suit our own needs, rather than just planting a hand-full of grain and hoping for the best. Hell, I still hear of people speaking out against genetically modified food.
But oh shit, now we're going to go and make super food that's custom made to grow anywhere and end world hunger! Gotta stop that shit, it might take somebodies job away or offend people! Sure there may be problems, but so far this is just laboratory science, and one freaking cell. Until something actually comes of this, or at least hits a development state, I hope people calm down before they take things out of hand.
I don't want yet more science held back because somebody in the population is scared of change, hates technology and advancement, and is probably a Luddite.
But mini-rant aside, go go biotech research. :3 The future is NOW, people.