(no subject)

Apr 27, 2008 23:09

life is pretty goood
i start my new job soon
that's awesome.
i've been having an awesome time
i'm so happy with my life right now
like.. i eliminated all of my old friends
well besides kelsey.. but she isn't doing anything wrong
i'm so done with all the oldies
like.. i don't want to talk to anyone back then

i just went on a cruise for a week
and i thought a lot
i'm giving up on anyone that doesn't show enough effort
rachell.. she's not good for me
i really don't care that much about her anymore
like... we're okay.. but i'd never want to hang out with her again
same with tiff.. like i have nothing against her
but i really just don't want to talk to her again.

she's been pretty much amazing
i couldn't ask for a better friend
like all of my old friends have done something completely horrible to me
but kelsey.. no
she never has. like never
there's been times when we would get ocmpletely annoyed by eachother
but that's normal
she's never fucked me over
or made me depressed
like the rest of them.. you know?

becca and danielle..
we've known eachother for a long time
but we've never been too close till now
i'm learning a lot from all of their situations
and it really is helping me

i know it's been hard for me right now
but i'm really trying to live itup and forget about everything
i love my paretns to death,
but i can't be around them anymore
not with the way they treat me or treat eachother
i odn't need that
it's not healthy
i'm so happy my dad isn't here anymore

i want to be more independent
i'm not at all.. but i'm working on it
i really am.
i wish i was teh same person in high school that i am now
not that i regret it or anything... cuz i had fun
but like.. some things make me wonder
what the fuck was i doing?
lol well yeahh..

and for the guys,
i'm not givingup
but i'm not really trying
i'm very satisfied..
i don't need anyone to be happy
kelsey kinda fills that hole in my heart lately
so it makes me really happy :)
i really do love that girl to death
she's kinda my everything lately
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