Jet....& other things

Jul 23, 2009 13:54

Ok so it's been quite some time since I posted & all sorts of stuff has happened.
To start with, when Marquis & I got back from Italy I went back to work to find that they were trying to force me into either working nights or all weekends! This I didn't sign up for & as it seemed I would be getting shafted by them I left....result....I'm now job hunting!
Then there's Jet......He is a tiny bundle of black fluff! He's also a bugger who likes nothing more that either jumping on Greebo & India (he seems to have a little more respect for Phanta) or chasing tiny toy mice (that are nearly as big as his head)around & loosing them under or behind furniture, I kid you not he's lost 4 up to now, I have no idea where they go cos he's not allowed out doubt I'll find them all stashed away somewhere one day!!
The latest happenings here are to do with the gates at the back.
Long story short.....neighbours owe us money for them & have now put their house up for sale & want a key, we've (obviously) said no. we've asked for money they owe us & they now say we're blocking their access & have photos of the "barbed wire, long poles & car, all of which she claims we've put there to block her way" We now have copies of said photos & I nearly fell over laughing.....the barbed wire is the stuff she put up on her garage to stop the local kids climbing on it, not my fault it's fallen off....the long poles are no longer there.....& as for the's hers!!! Oh & all the photos are actually of the public road outside of our property so I don't know how we've suddenly become responsible for public land :D Maybe she should contact the council & see what they say about it *snigger*
Anyway, I'm gonna go play with Jet now. ;)
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