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May 30, 2006 08:45

wahhh what a weekend. guess ill start from the morning.

got up early and ran. my throat was doing soso so i was happy. i still havent recovered from when i lost my voice 2 weeks ago and my cough is still here. its worse now since saturday. but anyway, got to the live house, and yui (key) wasnt there. he got lost on the way there!! which was bad cause he totally missed rehearsal and that means he didnt get a sound check. that was sooo poop cause i couldnt hear the keyboard at all during the live which made me off in a few parts. we were all pretty pissed off. after that, we had meetings about money etc and then hanzo (who was there as our staff) yuki shinji and i went back to our place to chill til it was time to get ready. i went and got my hair done by a pro cause i cannot straighten my hair by myself. i just have way too much hair and i cant reach the back.

i looked HOT that night!!! i look freaking awesome wiht my hair straightened. my outfit was new. i like it but sometimes the skirt comes up when i move too much and u can almost see my drawers which is not good. i like my legs right up til u get to my inner thigh, and then im a fatty and it wont go away cause its DNA. sigh. oh well cant help nature. but yeah, i looked good anyway. after it was over, someone had me pose for him holding the CD. hehe otaku. the live was so much fun. there were a bunch of our old fans who cheered with me which made me super happy. i tripped up on the mic wire a bunch. there is just no room on that damn stage!! there were three things that bothered me during the live. one was that takao called me "MANDY" on stage!!!! that stupid ass!!! the people who knew my real name laughed. and everyone said "ohhhh takao... that was horrible..hahaha" i agreed. takao also never went up front on stage. even when i would back down to get a drink, he wouldnt go up there, not even for his solos. i think he only went up like 2 times very briefly. the last thing was there was this one chick in the audience that just looked soooo pissed off!! like, she stared at me with contempt and crossed her arms like she was totally bored and annoyed. why did u even come stupid bitch!! ur throwing off my groove!! ..guess there will always be peeps like that tho huh.

there was an ok crowd, but it will sure to be much bigger once we advertise a bit more. next time we will be playing with a major pro band so there will be a shit ton of people there. the ticket is pretty expensive this time too. we sold a good amount of CDs, 38, but we can do better im sure next time. no one will buy a CD at my job cause they are all pricks who dont appreciate music or struggling bands. which is ok, cant hate them for not being into it. but its gonna be hard for me to sell CDs. i just dont know anyone. so you guys reading this abroad, please pick one up! email me at minstrelixlola@yahoo.com and ill send u a paypal request. ill be selling the CD for 10$, ill check on shipping tomorrow.

something really really shitty happened tho regarding the CD... it came to my attention today that there is a spelling error. the first song title, "suspicious seduction" is spelled "suspecious suduction" ...how EMBARRASSING!!!!!!!!!!! when i realized it today, i got pretty depressed. im sure the japanese arent going to care but everyone from abroad will notice and it just looks really bad. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH why is there always something that ruins my art?!?!?!?!?! so yea...laugh if u wanna be a bitch, or u can just say "its from japan, they use engRish not engLish" or whatever. im not going to let it get me too down. ill just take it as a bump in the road, a mistake if u will, laugh about it and hope thats what everyone else will do. i shall NOT tell any band members about it, especially shinji who worked sooooo hard on designing the cover cause they will get really bummed out about it. i blame myself tho for not being more careful and checking over the work better. shinji remade the bitch so many times, and so late at night for hours and hours on end, its not surprising that a stupid oversite like that was made. but i will be perpared for next time so something so retarded wont happen again.

i was fucking SHOT after the concert. my legs were on FIRE. i lost about 3-4 lbs that day, no kidding! after everything was over, we went to a "family" (family restuarant) and chilled out (yui, shinji, yuki, hanzo and me) i was soooo hyper on coffee. i got all u can eat and drink salad and drink bar. so i down the coffee like it was no tomorrow. had about 7 cups i think. i lvoe those boys soooo much. they are my j-family. i just wanna cuddle and hug them all. im sure hanzo was slightly upset that night cause ayayaya brought her new bf with her to the concert. and they made a great couple. he is KAWAII as hell too! as in puppy kawaii. really short dude, but a soft girly cute face. poor hanzo. shinji and i stayed up til 5 talking and then slept til noon. the next day we went to an organic restuarant and ate and then had cantalope soft ice cream. then we bought a takoyaki (octopus puffs) making pan and made takaoyaki for dinner. shinji's were poop. mine kicked ass. my body was sooooo stiff sunday. if feel like a strong ass bitch right now. im on a protein diet with lots of eggs and beans and tofu and special bean drinks and seafood and im thinking about getting protein shakes. ima beef up.

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