Dec 14, 2004 17:16
i've found that i really like when snowflakes get caught in my eyelashes, it feels cool and makes your vision blurry in a fun way.
i also like it when my mom calls and instead of listening to her i write in my livejournal, haha.
ronnie called me today just to sing "I just called to say I love you." even though i hate him most of the time, he redemes himself every once in awhile by being a goof. you are a strange boss ronnie, that's for sure.
i'm surprised how calm i've managed to stay during finals this semester. i haven't really studied at all and i don't care.
lately i've been obsessed with myspace, which i know is lame, but so addictive. i know chelsey feels my pain. seriously though, when there's nothing to do, myspace is the answer.