(no subject)

May 11, 2005 00:37

So, I did this quiz thing where you list 20 random friends (actually I did it in order of when I last saw or spoke with them) and then answer questions about them. Woohoo. Christ I'm bored. Goodnight.
1) Gwen
2) Dani
3) Gary
4) Josh
5) Carina
6) Clean
7) Andrea
8) Breeze
9) Caleb
10) Delaney
11) Kira
12) Dan S.
13) Gavin
14) Reggie
15) Ken
16) Tara
17) Megan
18) Kevin
19) Ashley
20) Casey

Who is #8 going out with? Maggie
Is #9 a boy or a girl? Boy
Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple? Heck yes
How about #18 and #4? Hahahaha, NO
What grade is #17 in? Graduating college
When was the last time you talked to #12? Couple hours ago
What is #6's favorite band? Oh christ, I guess Tom Waits is a safe bet, oh wait - J5 (I'm awesome)
Does #1 have any siblings? Yes, younger brother
Would you ever date #3? That's probably a bad idea
Is #16 single? No
What's #15's favorite food? French fries(?) ...but caf food is different from real food
What's #10's middle name? That, I do not know - Brazil(?)
What's #5's favorite thing to do? Knit, and play with cats
Is #13 hot? Heck yes
Would #14 and #19 make a good couple? I'd never thought about it, but you know, maybe
What school does #20 go to? Farmington
Tell me a random fact about #11? Her name is a bird call
And #1: She's amazing (and swears enough to make a sailor blush)
And #3: He invented knitting
Have you ever had a crush on #15? I don't think that's allowed
Where does #9 live? South Portland
What's #4's favorite color? Purple or gray maybe
Would you make out with #14? If the situation was dire, but I'd rather not
Are #5 & #6 best friends? Actually, yes
Does #7 like #20? They seem to get along alright
Does #8 like #19? I've never seen them interact, but I'm sure they'd do fine
How did you meet #2? A stranger introduced us and we were insta-pals
How did you meet #18? I think in the radio station, although I don't remember the circumstances
Does #10 have any pets? He's got a rock, but I think that is a friend, not a pet
Is #12 older than you? Um...I think by a month or two maybe
Have oral relations with #3? We've spoken
Is #17 the sexiest person alive? Just about

Then Dan sent me a more interesting set of questions, so here those are:

Who would win in a fight, #13 or #7? Tough - they're both pretty benign, but I guess Andrea
And: #5 or #20? Carina
And which of those two winners would win in a fight against each other? Again, Carina
Is #2 or #8 more likely to be a superhero's secret identity? Breeze - I don't know much about him, but he sure can fold paper, and he seems a little too quite sometimes.
Is #16 actively working to overthrow the government? No, probably not.
Would you trust #19 with your secret booger collection? Yes, I don't think she'd tell.
If #12 were to only speak in one poetry form for the rest of his or her natural life, what poetry form would that be? Sestina - he likes challenges.
Where is the place you would least expect to see #4? Working in a manure bank.
If you were to give a completely ridiculous present to #3, what would it be and why? A hat that says "Blue and Yellow Make Green" on it, because his head was cold and bald.
If #15 were a mythical beast, what mythical beast would he/she/it be? A centaur maybe(?) - something half human half animal.
Does #9 have all of his/her/its teeth? All the normal ones, but not so much in the wisdom department.
Is #1 or #18 more likely to be smuggling nuclear warheads? Gwen, but it would be by accident.
What nonsense word describes #14 best? Palaumuse
Who is more likely to survive nuclear fallout: #6 or #17? Man, that's tough. They'd be the last 2 anyway, but... I think Magan, cause Clean gets sick a lot.
If #10 was a sculpture, what material would he/she/it be made out of? Carved fruit and vegetables.
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