[Action] Trial, day 4

Apr 19, 2011 03:53

 The court fell silent as the jury filed back in.

They had reached a verdict.

"We, the jury, find Antonio Fernandez Carriedo..."

Though he knew his chances today were not good, he still managed to walk into the court with his head high. He had already said his goodbyes, just in case. To Francis and Gilbert with a lot of thanks for their support along the way. To Afonso with instructions on what to tell their mother should he face the worst. To a few other friends and acquaintances. To Lovino...

He hadn't been able to. Every time he tried to open his mouth to do so, he was stopped in his tracks by an angry retort on how stupid he was being because he wasn't going to be going anywhere and there was no reason to say goodbye. So Lovi was left with a kiss and a promise that he would try his best. And that things would work out for them somehow.

First on the stand today was the child himself. His testimony was...difficult to listen to. Even though he knew that none of those things had actually happened, the way his voice shook while covering the details was heart wrenching. But something seemed to catch the lawyer's attention during cross examination. Little by little, it was becoming clearer that the story did not quite match up to several key facts; including his mother's account and a medical report. Gently, they questioned him, and the answers continued to support the notion that something about the story was not quite right. But before things could get too emotional or stressful, they have to stop. Toni is a little glad, really...the poor kid looked shell-shocked.

Before he knew it, questioning was over, there were no more witnesses, and the lawyers were up making their final speeches to convince the jury of their case. The judge banged his gavel, and then there was nothing left to do but sit and wait for the answer.

Not a sound can be heard in the room as the lone member of the jury, speaking for all of them, stands to read the card and hand over to his fate.

"Not guilty."

Antonio is rendered speechless, all the air sucked out of him. He is free. Completely free.

oh toni..., lawsuit, action

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