[Action] - Blackout!

Feb 21, 2011 00:06

 Frankly, it wasn't too bad, having no power. Being cold and stuck in the mansion with his favorite Italian...there were much worse ways he could have passed the blackout. It was too cold not to be close, and too boring to try and be alone. Conditions were definitely in his favor tonight, even if they were bundled up from head to toe in more layers of clothing than he could count. Besides that, leftover pizza was just as good cold as it was hot.

Better still, Lovi had not pushed him away when he suggested they share a blanket to try and keep in the heat. And he didn't give more than a mild protest when he slipped an arm around his shoulder to scoot them closer under the blanket.

It was warmer, after all. 

spamano, blackout, action

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