Feb 28, 2006 22:50
hey, back to the old journal.....ehh
well the past couple days have been mildly depressing. Not like totally absolutely hopelessly dead depressing sorta thing. More like Average days where nothing positive sticks out and theres that solid undertone of sorrow.
In a nutshell, i really really Miss Matt E. and i think im lonely.
The past couple days tho have been really bad as far as remembering wise ne way. Like i said, i really really miss Matt. That stupid video on monday got the whole rememberance bit going stronger than normal. And then today was shit in Gym Class because half the guys in my class are absolute DICKS. Thats one thing that i will never forget was gym class every year w/ Matt. i dont think i was ever one of Matts top friends or ne thing, But in gym class, we were always solid. Cuz, straight out, Matt was a Jock, but matt was one of the Jocks who wasnt a complete Self obsessed Asshole. He was an awesome guy that just loved Competative sports (like me). He was always awesome to me, even if his friends werent and i just really miss him.
And then the lonliness Part kinda kicked in tonight. Nothing too major, just the fact that every other song on the radio was somehow love/relationship related. It was just really depressing cuz im a very physical affectionate kinda guy, and i cant remember the last time i actually gave someone a real hug or ne thing. And i dont count just randomly tackling my other guy friends, that just doesnt cut it. My arms are basically aching to just be able to hold someone like i used to be.
Ne way, its way to late, and im way to emotional, so i really need to go to bed. g'night all. sleep sweetly