Apr 04, 2005 21:13
new reason to absolutely hate masterman!
im being persecuted.
mr travis is flipping out because i might not be going to ocean city. if i win the election on friday, i'll be keeping shabbat. ocean city is on a friday, and i wouldnt get back until after dark. its also on a friday thats in the last two days of pesach. aka passover for all you wonderful goyim. aka, not jewish people. ANYWAY. if it were any other friday, i wouldnt feel so strongly about it. but its right after i would have been elected, and its in the last two days of a major holiday, so IF i were on board, i wouldn't feel right at all going. so heres wheren mr travis comes in to play. im playing flute with the choir on one song. ONE song. and the flute part is clearly marked optional. so, i went and told ms neu a couple weeks ago that theres a chance i might not be going to ocean city. she flips out, tells me shes gonna hire a professional to pretend to be me (big big no-no, considering this is a competition that we'd lose either way) and that she'll change the date of the spring concert (scheduled for a friday...wtf?) and all this total bullshit. so, friday, mr travis stops me in the hallway. and goes on and on about how i could get my parents to pick me up early (never gonna happen) and that i have obligations to the school as well, and im like are you fucking kidding me. and he's like well, you wont be able to play in the spring concert either. clearly he doesnt know ms neu wants to change the date. and i was like whatever. so, ever since then, people are constantly coming up to me and telling me that mr travis is telling them to beg me to come to ocean city. and its just getting ridiculous. ridiculous to the point where mike b and craig told me today that he asked if i could be less jewish. im like, you just completely crossed the line. yeah. so. whats a girl to do? i guess i should talk to him tomorrow, because im definitely starting to get offended, and i ususally dont get offended easily. im just like, wow this is completly ridiculous. so yeah, um, help?
this is escalating a lot more than it should. updates as soon as a get them.
:edit 2:
drumsandSAX05: look heres the deal
drumsandSAX05: there are two main problems
drumsandSAX05: A: the orchestra relies on you, you are one of the few people who can acually play your part correctly and count, and basically because u play flutre and its high and loud and the sound gets up and out over the whole orchestra, you might as well be the orchestra metronome
drumsandSAX05: B: mrs k bitches about everything to mr travis, so not only are you getting mrs ks bitching and mr travis's bitching, but mrs k's bitching through mr travis as well
drumsandSAX05: actually, there are three problems
drumsandSAX05: C: i dont think either mrs k or travis haave ever come across someone who is as dedicated to their religion as you are. That, coupled with the fact that ur a key player, is causing you all this trouble
lila by day: so now they have to go and make me feel guilty about it?
drumsandSAX05: thats where im going
drumsandSAX05: what they dont realize is that youve got priorities, and the bottom line is that your religious standards rank in higher than orchestra or choir
drumsandSAX05: if they cant understand that, thats their own fault, not yours
lila by day: and i said that to travis, and he like doesnt get it
lila by day: but they're taking it way out of line
drumsandSAX05: thats cuz he doesnt want tro
drumsandSAX05: exactly
lila by day: what am i supposed to do tho? i dont know how to explain it to them anymore that something this important to me, like more important than anything right now, and they're making me question it cuz i have to go into school everyday and have people come up to me all the time telling me that travis is saying absolutly ridicuouls stuff, and is on the brink of being anti-semetic
lila by day: and its almost like they're trying to guilt trip me into it cuz im totally expectiong one of them to come out with oh you're gonnna let everybody in the orchestra or whatever down
drumsandSAX05: i wouldnt put it past them at all
lila by day: so
lila by day: i'll find out for sure on friday
lila by day: im gonna fucking deal with it as much as i can until then, and then on monday, i'll tell them for real
drumsandSAX05: and then you can either tell them u can go, or tell them to suck your nonexistent cock
lila by day: and if they're still being ridiculous, im gonna go to somebody from usy that can explain it to them
drumsandSAX05: well, before you bring someone from outside of school into the picture, id go to meketon first
drumsandSAX05: my guess is that mek will imeediately understand whats goin on, tell you that they just want you there, but yes theyre being ratarded, and then hed go tell mrs k and travis to lay off u and that would be that