so, here's that interview thing i was supposed to do a week ago when Caitlin gave it to me...

Mar 09, 2007 20:24

yeah, I sorta forgot >>;;
I haven't really been on...
lax practice + really busy week x____x;;

1. If you could blow up something right now, what would you blow up?
your face.

and shubo's rubik's cube. Right in his face. :]

2. If you had a crapload of money, what would you do with it?
First, it depends on how much money. Then I would take 50% for a bank account, 10% to invest in stocks, 10% for charity, 10% in investments, and 20% for buying things.

3. What's one of your weirdest habits?
iuno, actually. I can't think of any...

4. If you were a sandwich, what type of sandwich would you be?
I would be an owning sandwich.

5. If there was one thing you could change about the world, what would it be?
I could go with the common answer, "world peace". But that's just not going to happen, because human nature won't let it.
Maybe I'd make it so we stop exponentially growing so fast, so we don't outgrow our resources and have people starving all over the place. Limiting factors will own us otherwise.
ugh bio.

Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me." I will respond by asking you five questions. Update your journal with the answers to the questions. Include this explanation, and ask five questions of anyone who replies.
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