So I didn't go to our Sammi's party, which apparently has been called "Tylie's Party" for a while now. Cedes didn't go either. I didn't go because she (Cedes) and the rest of 'em we probably doing to be smoking it up and drinking and I just don't like being around that. She says she's not going because I'm not, but I'm pretty sure she didn't want to go anyway, because Sammi always has drama around her.
Today I woke up after a really fucked up nightmare. Like out of a horror film kind of thing. We paranormal shit, Resident Evil shit (lazor beamz, anyone?), riddles people don't decode until too late, Lady Gaga haunting people... Yeah.
Anyway, so I woke up at about 1 pm. I tried to WetVac the carpet some, but damned thing is just always damp/sopping... My thighs are a little better, but still hurts to walk down stairs. Up stairs is not so bad.
Last night I drew tried to draw a picture, which I'll probably post in
beatlesslash once I finish the fic that is going to be attached to it. I tried to go to bed at 5 am and the story kept popping in my head, so I probably should get it down. I have had MS Word opened for several hours now. I have seven sentences. This is normal for me.
Nothing really else to say. Received another birthday card in the mail, for a total of 3. Here's hoping everyone else has perfectly timed theirs to arrive on the day? I've never received so few cards.... sniffle.
Tomorrow Cedes and I plan on going to the 19+ club in Champaign. I hope it's as fun as we hope it is... Heh. Especially for the hour drive it is up there.
I took out the trash and cleaned the litter boxes. I even have finally removed the box from my Beatles Rock Band kit! Holy shit! It's been in the basement for at least two months? Maybe a month. Too long, any road.
Also washed the dishes. There wasn't a lot piled up, but I get so tired of cleaning them when they've been in the sink for a week so I wanted to get them out of there.
What a thrilling life I lead. [New tag for that shit.]
Also, if there happens to be anyone that lurks my LJ... unlikely, but if there is, YOU KNOW YOU CAN FRIEND ME YEAH? I have an embarrassingly low number of LJ friends. And I do on occasion have a locked entry, so that might be incentive. And I'm a bit lonely...
ETA: two of my traces of Ringo were added to a Ringo Starr fan group thing on deviantART, which is a pretty cool story bro.
Also, I love it when Paul McCartney says "mama" in his songs. An even cooler story, brah.