Jan 30, 2008 12:50
Please, punch me in the face.
No, seriously. Punch me, in the face.
That is, if it's between that and ignoring me, in terms of reaction to my making you angry. I know that passive aggression is really popular these days, and everybody's doing it, but (listen to me here) it is really. not. the best way to do things. I personally believe that ignoring someone is the cruelest thing you can do. You don't deserve it; I don't deserve it. So please, if you have a problem with me, have the courage and maturity to come to me as soon as possible and have a frank, private discussion of exactly what went wrong. In return, I promise to strive to do the same for you, and to do my best to respond in a caring way. Odds are that I'll react by apologizing profusely, and be a lot less hurt than if you choose to vent your feelings in some passive aggressive way or hold onto them for a long time before telling me.
Please, if you love me at all, want to be close friends, or even have any respect for me as a fellow being, just punch me in the face when you get mad at me. Well, maybe not punch me in the face, because that could break your fingers as well as my nose, and we're all poor college students who don't need more medical bills, let alone the inevitable emotional trauma that is associated with physical violence. But be straightforward with me. It's cleaner, and better, and as my friends I need you to be willing to do this for me.